Grover Cleveland Park Gardens
Volunteer Refreshed Gardens
Grover Cleveland Park Conservancy uses member dues and donations to fund plant and flower acquisitions, and then coordinate the local school, community, and corporate volunteers to get involved and help with the annual garden clean-outs and re-plantings.
- Gould entrance triangle garden boasts fringe tree shading plants that thrive in dry areas.
- Turtle Garden (Next to Playground) was developed as a junior Girl Scout project. The girls researched plants that would thrive in a semi-shaded area. They moved the large stone in a kidney-shaped form and planted perennials. The concrete turtle from the 1950’s playground was installed here. A raised garden was created featuring the beloved turtle. It no longer met playground safety standards but was so beloved by park patrons that the GCPC saved it as an icon.
- Flag Garden (next to Pond House) The raised bed of the Flag Garden is where many family images are recorded. Parents come to take pictures in the exact place where grandparents took their pictures years ago. This is a flower garden with colorful annual zinnias and marigold plants among native perennial plants.
- Runnymede parking lot perennial garden. This is a new garden designed to complement the refurbished bridge railings. It has NJ native plants that can survive a full sun and little water.
- Buttonwood shade garden with NJ native plants and ferns and Buttonwood gate has NJ native garden names of plants.