Students & Youth Organizations
James Caldwell High School, Grover Cleveland Middle School, Trinity Academy, and Mount St. Dominic Academy’s students have volunteered with Spring clean-ups, seasonal plantings and assisting in setting up for the Halloween parade. The Conservancy has established Student Grover Cleveland Park Ambassador posts to help coordinate park volunteer activities with the Ecology Clubs and other volunteer groups at James Caldwell High School and Grover Cleveland Middle School.
Caldwell University students have volunteered since 2015 for their Caldwell Day of Service each fall. The Women’s Basketball team has also volunteered to work with kids at our Halloween Parade and Derby Day. In the past several years, the Cross-Country, and Women’s Lacrosse teams have volunteered in the park.
Girl & Boy Scout Sponsored Projects
The West Essex Community is fortunate to have benefitted from the generosity and commitment of many local scouting organizations, including the Brownies, Junior Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Cadet Scouts, Boy Scouts, and aspiring Eagle Scouts.
The Conservancy developed a process to streamline Scout projects in the park. A Trustee is a liaison with an Eagle Scout candidate or Scouting troop. This helps in working with the County to marshal the needed approvals and support.
All Park projects require the approvals of the Essex County Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs, the sponsoring Scout Council leadership team, and the Grover Cleveland Park Conservancy who oversees the project.
Projects should be well-planned and may involve the establishment of GoFundMe pages to help raise project funding, seeking donations and organizing scout/parent worker teams.
Please reach out to Conservancy Board members for more information if you have any project ideas that would benefit the park.

The Girl Scouts are always pitching in at the Park.
Completed Scout Projects
Junior Girl Scout Troop 20089 Bronze Award Project
Doggie Water Fountain
Cub Scout Pack 6, Tiger Den 1
Redbud Tree
Eagle Scout Candidate Project Perry Mescia
Perry’s Path
Eagle Scout Candidate Project Alexis Mollet
Alexis’ Steps
Eagle Scout Candidate Project Ryan Stevens
Bookshelves for Children’s House
Cub Scout Pack 6, Tiger Den 1
Redbud Tree
Girl Scout Troop No 20455
Planting Raised Garden at Children’s House